the global population of Myopes were (28.3%); just over 1 billion
Let’s begin with “Myopia.”
What is Myopia?
A medical term for “nearsightedness,” is an eye disease that causes far away objects to appear blurry. In Myopic eyes either the eyeball is longer or refraction error of the cornea is too high or both. This condition affecting nearly three million Americans a year. By 2050, 50% of the global population is predicted myopic which estimated 5 billion worlds wide.
“Myopia Pandemic”

What causes Myopia?
Genetic Condition
Myopia increases when parents are Myopic. There is a 25% chance that a child will develop myopia if one parent is myopic. That number jumps to 50% if both are myopic.

Environmental Condition
Increased screen time and not spending enough time outdoors also plays a role in the development of myopia.
School-aged children who spend 7+ hours per week or more on computers or mobile video games triple their risk for myopia. Deficiency in natural sunlight exposure could contribute to the recent increase in myopia.
Our eyes are so precious, we must take good care of them

Less time on:
Computer games
Hand-Held games
Phone games
Social media group chat
More time on:
Ball games
Fun at the playground
other outdoor activities
By 2050
Estimated 5 billion
(49.8%); of global
are Myopes

Is my child Myopic?
Myopia usually develops in childhood, so observe whether your child sits too close to the television, has frequent headaches, squints to read, and rubs their eyes. Worsening school or athletic performance, or withdrawal from those activities, could indicate a vision problem.
According to the American Optometric Association (AOA)
As much as 80% of a child’s learning occurs through the eyes.
Myopia is primarily diagnosed in school-age children.
Eye Examination
Vision Screening
School Nurse
Pediatric office
Over 60% of school children do not get an annual eye examination!
Does Myopic Cause other eye complications?
High Myopia (nearsightedness of -5.00 to -6.00 D or higher) will increase the risk of Retinal Detachment, Macula degeneration, Glaucoma, and Cataracts.

What are my options?
Annual Comprehensive Eye Examination allows our doctor to diagnose myopia and other eye conditions. Children who are at high risk of progressive myopia (family history, early age of onset, and extended periods of near work) may benefit from treatment options that have been shown to reduce the progression of myopia. These treatments include Orthokeratology (Ortho-K), MiSight 1day soft Contact Lenses, Atropine Eye Drops, and/or combination therapy.
- Orthokeratology (Ortho-K)
- Atropine Eye Drops
- MiSight 1Day Contact Lenses
has proven to slow down
the progression of Myopia
Traditional Glasses and
Contact Lenses
can help children to see more clearly
but do not slow down
the progression of myopia.
What is Ortho-K Lens?
Orthokeratology, or Ortho-k, is the use of specially designed and fitted contact lenses to temporarily reshape the cornea to improve vision. It’s like orthodontics for your eyes and the treatment is often compared to dental braces. Most ortho-k lenses are worn at night to reshape the front surface of the eye while you sleep. Vision improvements are reversible but can be maintained if you keep wearing the lenses as directed.
WHY EyeDrops?
Atropine, Studies show that a low-dose of atropine, typically given as eye drops at bedtime, can significantly slow the progression of myopia in children, preventing severe near-sightedness.
Until recently, the only treatment for pediatric myopia was glasses, with frequent prescription updates as vision gets worse.
Myopia isn’t reversible and kids treated with low-dose atropine still need glasses. But in most cases, their near-sightedness doesn’t get nearly as bad as it does for kids who haven’t received the treatment.
What is MiSight Lens?
CooperVision’s MiSight® 1 day is the first and only contact lens approved by the FDA to slow the progression of myopia (ages 8-12 at the initiation of treatment)*. Children can insert the soft, daily wear, single-use contact lenses in their eyes in the morning, wear them for at least 10 hours during the day, then dispose of them in the evening.