There is always the risk of infection without proper eye and lens care, so practice good hygiene and schedule routine follow-up eye appointments!
Successful cases of Ortho-K
Maria Day 1
Ortho-K Insertion, Removal & Care Process
No glasses.
No contacts.
No Surgery.
Sleep your way to Clear Vision
Refractive Therapy (CRT)
Myopia and Overnight Vision Correction
What Is It?
Orthokeratology is a form of reversible, refractive correction involving the overnight use of gas-permeable contact lenses to reshape the contour of the cornea while you sleep. These oxygen-intense, “breathable” lenses work to temporarily reverse the effects of Myopia during the night so the wearer can experience clear vision the following day without the use of glasses or contacts. Ortho-k is used primarily to slow the progression of mild Myopia in adults and children, although it can aid in the temporary correction of low-degree astigmatism, hyperopia, and presbyopia as well.
The Orthokeratology Process
How Does Is It Work?
Your Optometrist will map and measure the front surface of your cornea using an instrument called a corneal topographer and then design a lens, especially for your eyes. The cornea map is created by reflecting light off the surface of the eye. The machine doesn’t touch your eye, and there is no pain. The corneal topography map shows your Optometrist the shape and curves of your cornea.
The lenses work by flattening the center of the cornea, changing how light is bent as it enters the eye. Most orthokeratology lenses are worn overnight to flatten the cornea, then removed during the day. These overnight lenses are rigid, gas-permeable lenses that are sturdy enough to reshape the cornea, but also allow oxygen through so your eye stays healthy.
When ortho-k lenses are removed the cornea stays flattened for a while and vision is corrected without the need for glasses. If you stop wearing the lenses at night, your eyes will eventually go back to their original shape and the refractive error will return. You have to keep wearing the lenses regularly to keep the vision correction.
What can I expect from Ortho-K?
It can take two weeks or longer to attain the maximum vision correction from orthokeratology, although some people experience significant vision improvement in days. In clinical studies of Food and Drug Administration-approved ortho-k lenses, most patients achieved 20/40 vision or better.
You may need a series of temporary ortho-k lenses to see properly until you reach the desired prescription. Typically, up to two pairs of orthokeratology lenses are used, to achieve the best vision correction. Once you’ve reached the desired prescription, you’ll use the same shape of lens each night to maintain the correction.
Until you get used to them, you will probably feel the lenses on your eyes until you fall asleep. With time, they usually become more comfortable. Once your corneas have gotten the final desired curve, you will use a retainer lens—as often as your ophthalmologist recommends—to maintain your vision.
Orthokeratology involves a three-step process:
1. Initial examination,
Corneal Topographer will be used to determine the shape of your cornea and measure the refractive error of the cornea.​
2. Fitting & Training,
We will order a set of lenses based on your corneal measurement and your eyesight strength, we will walk you step by step through the insertion and removal procedure and explain in detail about all the solutions and eye drops that you need.
3. Treatment phase & Follow-Ups,
Candidates use their prescription Ortho-K contact lenses while sleeping for at least six to eight consecutive hours each night and return for evaluation in one-to-two-week. Candidates may need to wear disposable soft lenses or glasses throughout the day during the correction phase. On completion of the treatment, only the prescribed overnight contacts need to be worn.
Remember, there is always the risk of infection without proper eye and lens care, so practice good hygiene and schedule routine follow-up eye appointments!
We anticipate an initial treatment period of three months. Most patients will be able to see comfortably within the first 72 hours of treatment without additional correction, however, full treatment may not be achieved for 1-2 weeks.
Am I a Candidate for Ortho-k?
The best candidates for Orthokeratology are children between the ages of eight and 12 who have progressive Myopia. If early stages of nearsightedness are caught soon enough, Ortho-k can sometimes help with restoring vision in children, because the custom lenses “mold” the eyes overnight to hinder or encourage the growth of cells. Ortho-k also works well with adolescents and young adults with mild or moderate Myopia, or for adults under the age of 40 who aren’t interested in LASIK or other eye corrective surgery. If you suffer from Dry Eye Syndrome or have severe Myopia, Ortho-k is not recommended.
If you have any questions and would like to learn more about Ortho-k, schedule an appointment with EyeClinic Medical.
Our eye care professional (Optometrist) will be able to help you determine your candidacy, costs, benefits, and risks of the process.